Saturday, October 22, 2016

Community Wise

In the past, Omegamom and I had sworn we'd never live in a gated community with an HOA.

Now we do.

But to put it in perspective, anyone who wanted to drive through our gate could, and all our roads are a dirt-gravel mix.  It isn't exactly you're stereotypical gated community.

Our community consists of retired folks, some of us who wish to be, and a few younger people who just plain like it here.  We are dominantly Republican, equaled out by a good share of people (like us) who are either Democrat, Libertarian, Independent, or of other political or non-political affiliations.  We have an email group where we come together with common information, cuss and discuss, fight like hell then come together to help our neighbors.

During a snow storm last winter, our roads and driveways were clogged, and three of us ran out of propane.  The community came together to clear the drifts and driveways.  The community came together to find a propane company willing to brave our icy avenue.  The community was... well... a community.

Currently, we are facing a fall fire season.  This is unusual for us.  Normally, our wildfires come in the spring.  We live in one of the highest wildfire danger areas in the Southwest.

Still, we live in a Fire Wise Community.

We clear brush...

We have a 'fire truck'...

In addition to our email and phone rings, we have a community information system...

We have our version of hydrants...

And, if worse should come to worse, we have an escape route...

These things may not seem like much to people on the outside, but people on the outside would not see the most important thing we have... we have a community. We have people... people that are willing to work past our differences when life matters.

Given our current national and global political differences, I wish that the rest of the world could see that sometimes, the old cliche is true...

It takes a village.

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